Hi, I’m Mabel

In Summer of 2020, Barn Sanctuary was contacted about a female calf on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. Mabel was born with leg contractions that made standing and walking Difficult.

Mabel is a freemartin, a term used to describe a sterile female cow that is unlikely to give birth and therefore cannot produce milk. She was surrendered to Barn Sanctuary and has been making gains and stealing hearts since.

On Mabel’s first visit to the veterinary hospital we learned that she also has a heart murmur that may stunt her growth but is not life-threatening. Many animals live full and happy lives with heart murmurs. Her contracted legs, one with a deep wound, were the most pressing concerns.

At the hospital Mabel was fitted for prosthetics and had a daily regimen on multimodality physical therapies that straightened and healed her legs.

Mabel is a curious, loving, sweet and playful young gal. She loves her fresh alfalfa and meeting other calves.

Your sponsorship will provide physical therapy, daily care, regular medical checkups, and any unexpected emergency care. Please sponsor Mabel to provide the care she deserves!